Teams & Fixtures


League Divisions for the 2024-25 season:
Crawley League Divisions 2024-25
Tunbridge Wells League Divisions 2024-25
West Weald League Divisions 2024-25

Team Selection for all League Teams please see 2024-25 Team Selections

A full list of fixtures is given further down this page
For downloadable print versions of the 2024/25 Fixture List (by Date and by Team) click on the following links:
Fixture List 2024-25 [by date]
Fixture List 2024-25 [by team]
(these lists are the final updated versions as published on the 25th September 2024)

Crawley - Mixed
Crawley - Mens
Tunbridge Wells - Mens
West Weald - Mens A
West Weald - Mens B
West Weald - Combination

(as published 25th September 2024)

Wednesday 2nd OctoberW.Weald Mens BW.Weald Mens AHome7.30pm
Monday 7th OctoberW.Weald Mens AW.Weald Mens BAway7.30pm
Friday 11th OctoberCrawley MensCrawleyAway7.30pm
Monday 14th OctoberW.Weald Mens AChanctonbury AAway8pm
Friday 18th OctoberCrawley MensBramblewoodAway8pm
Monday 21st OctoberT.Wells MensAngelHome7.30pm
Wednesday 23rd OctoberCrawley MensHorsham ArunHome7.30pm
Monday 4th NovemberW.Weald Mens BChanctonburyAway8pm
Wednesday 6th NovemberW.Weald CombiChanctonbury BHome7.30pm
Monday 11th NovemberW.Weald CombiChanctonbury AAway8pm
Wednesday 13th NovemberCrawley MensForestAway7.45pm
Monday 18th NovemberCrawley MixedChanctonbury Away8pm
Wednesday 20th NovemberW.Weald CombiBramblewoodHome7.30pm
Monday 25th NovemberW.Weald Mens ACrawley AHome7.30pm
Wednesday 27th NovemberCrawley MixedBramblewoodHome7.30pm
Wednesday 4th DecemberT.Wells MensHildenborough AHome7.30pm
Friday 6th DecemberW.Weald Mens ACrawley BAway730pm
Monday 9th DecemberW.Weald CombiChanctonbury AHome7.30[m
Wednesday 11th DecemberCrawley MensBramblewoodHome7.30pm
Monday 16th DecemberW.Weald Mens BCrawley AHome7.30pm
Thursday 19th DecemberCrawley MixedHassocksAway8pm
Christmas & New Year Break until 6th January
Monday 6th JanuaryW.Weald Mens BChanctonbury AHome7.30pm
Friday 10th JanuaryT.Wells MensHildenborough AAway 8pm
Monday 13th JanuaryT.Wells MensAIT CHome7.30pm
Friday 17th JanuaryW.Weald Mens ACrawley AAway 7.30pm
Sunday 19th JanuaryW.Weald CombiOakwoodAway 6pm
Thursday 23rd JanuaryT.Wells MensAIT D (time limit so prompt start)Away 8pm
Tuesday 28th JanuaryCrawley MensHorsham ArunAway 7.30pm
Thursday 30th JanuaryCrawely MensHassocksAway 8pm
Monday 3rd FebruaryT.Wells MensAIT C (time limit so prompt start)Away 7.30pm
Friday 7th FebruaryW.Weald Mens BCrawley AAway 7.30pm
Monday 10th FebruaryW.Weald Mens AChanctonbury AHome7.30pm
Wednesday 12th FebruaryCrawley MixedForestHome7.30pm
Tuesday 18th FebruaryW.Weald CombiHorsham ArunAway 7.30pm
Monday 24th FebruaryW.Weald Mens BCrawley BHome7.30pm
Wednesday 26th FebruaryCrawley MixedChanctonburyHome7.30pm
Monday 3rd MarchW.Weald CombiChanctonbury BAway 8pm
Wedensday 5th MarchCrawley MensForestHome7.30pm
Monday 10th MarchT.Wells MensAIT DHome7.30pm
Friday 14th MarchT.Wells MensAngel (car park charges apply before 8pm)Away 8pm
Monday 17th MarchW.Weald Mens ACrawley BHome7.30pm
Wednesday 19th MarchW.Weald CombiForestHome7.30pm
Sunday 23rd MarchCrawley MixedForestAway 7.15pm
Monday 24th MarchCrawley MensCrawleyHome7.30pm
Wednesday 26th MarchW.Weald CombiForestAway 7.45pm
Monday 31st MarchCrawley MixedHorsham ArunHome7.30pm
Wednesday 2nd AprilCrawley MensHassocksHome7.30pm
Friday 4th AprilW.Weald Mens BCrawley BAway 7.30pm
Monday 7th AprilW.Weald CombiHorsham ArunHome7.30pm
Wednesday 9th AprilCrawley MixedHassocksHome7.30pm
Easter Break Friday 18th April to Monday 21st April
Wednesday 23rd AprilW.Weald CombiOakwoodHome7.30pm
Tuesday 29th AprilCrawley MixedHorsham ArunAway 7.30pm
Friday 2nd MayW.Weald CombiBramblewoodAway 8pm
Wednesday 7th MayT.Wells MensSt John's BHome7.30pm
Friday 9th MayCrawley MixedBramblewoodAway 8pm
Thursday 15th MayT.Wells MensSt John's B (3 pairs to start as time limit on finish)Away 8pm

KNOCK-OUT CUP MATCHES - 2023/24 Season - No Teams Entered this season

* * * * * * *

FIXTURES BY TEAM - Ignore this section as these teams are not running this season
Crawley - Ladies (no team this season)
Edenbridge & East Grinstead - Mixed (league not running this season)
Edenbridge & East Grinstead - Mens (league not running this season)
Edenbridge & East Grinstead - Combination (league not running this season)
Tunbridge Wells - Ladies (no team this season)
Tunbridge Wells - Masters
West Weald - Mens B (no 'B' team this season)
West Weald - Ladies (no team this season)
West Weald - Mixed